About Us

Our Mission

Our Purpose

The International Speedball Federation (FISB) serves as the governing body for the sport of speedball and is responsible for preserving its integrity. FISB is dedicated to serving its member federations, forming strong alliances, and providing effective guidance to ensure a bright future for the sport.

Our Vision

At FISB, as the leading body for SpeedBall we aspire to promote its growth globally while preserving its integrity. Our goal is to support our member federations, form strong alliances, and provide effective guidance to secure a bright future for the sport. We believe in inclusiveness and want to make Speedball accessible to everyone. Our dream is to bring people from all over the world together through the sport, creating a global community of players and fans. Passionate about Speedball, we are determined to create opportunities for growth, development, and excellence. We envision a future where Speedball continues to thrive and reach new heights, becoming a beloved sport practiced by millions worldwide aiming to be an Olympic sport in the near future.

Our Values

- Open the FISB Constituition